As an adult, I've realized that I have inherited the gene that attracts the unconventional. For example, I've befriended several crazy homeless people, been invited to a concert by the Transcendent's Transgendered Gospel Choir by one of it's members at a Goodyear Tires, accidentally popped into an intense Hari Krishna celebration complete with free food, and have been pulled over because the cardboard cut-out I keep in my passenger seat was not wearing his seatbelt. These things may sound out of the ordinary, but this has been the way of my life.
God sure does have a sense of humor.
My goal is to capture it, to capture life. To experience something, to know it, and to share it. Life is to be explored. Let's wander. Let's Ponder. Let's enjoy.
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
~T. S. Eliot

were you really born at an early age?